My Water Just Broke, Now What?

If you experience PROM in pregnancy, which stands for premature rupture of membranes (which is when your water breaks before labor begins), unless you’re considered high risk or have been recommended to come in right away, you don’t necessarily have to rush to the hospital.

First and foremost speak with your provider, but also remember T.A.C.O.S!

Time – When did your water break? Infection increases after 24 hours of your water being broken. Make sure either you or your provider is keeping track of your temperature.

Amount – How much fluid is leaking? Was it a big huge gush of fluid? Or is it slowly trickling out?

Color – Is the fluid that’s leaking out clear, with no meconium present? Or do you see light/dark green or brown staining?

Odor – Is the fluid coming out foul smelling or have a strong smell to it? It should have a clean scent!

Slip – Did a hand, foot, or the umbilical cord slip out?! If so, go immediately to the hospital.

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Staying home during early labor can help reduce chances of intervention or cesarean birth. It may help you progress more so, because being at home (which is a comfort/happy place for you) will cause your body to produce more oxytocin than a hospital setting – which can actually cause your body to create adrenalin, which oxytocin does not like. You’ll be able to eat and drink without worrying about hospital protocol. A marathon runner wouldn’t run without food for energy first, and either should you! Birth is a marathon in it’s own way. Also, you may have more options for movement and pain coping techniques at home, than in the hospital.

Read more about Evidence on Premature Rupture of Membranes. And read real life stories from mothers who had PROM.

*I am not a doctor or medical provider, while this information is provided for educational purposes, you should always talk with your provider.

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